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Learning Objective

It aims to provide managers with the skills to adapt to the speed of change, add innovations to the leadership bag, cope with uncertainty environments / VUCA, adopt new strategies and paradigms, and determine more innovative strategies and approaches.


2 Half Days

Educational content

  • The importance of self-knowledge in understanding the needs of the people we communicate with/Emotional intelligence
  • Understanding critical times for the customer
  • Creating Loyal Customers
  • Inspiring Customer and Sales Management
  • Build Trust
  • Sales Management in VUCA conditions
  • How to Approach Customers in the New World
  • Where to Differentiate in order for the Perception of the Customer to Be Perfect
  • Influencing Persuasion Methods
  • Being an example to the team in customer orientation / being a secure foundation for the team

Gönül Hendek consultancy, coaching & training services.